Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 321

Had quite the thunderstorm here last night. Cloudy day here today with some sunny breaks. Not quite as warm as before but comfortable (23º) and 19º here now.
Into Noel's at 6 am and when the grandkids got up I took them to our place for the day. Did some Wii when I got back (with some help from Payton lol) and after breakfast I went for my walk. When I got back I finished mowing and trimming the lawn. After lunch I took Damien to his friend's house for the afternoon and Noel picked him up there when he got off work. Ruby spent the day catching up on the laundry from our trip and taking things out of the motor home. Payton kept us company for the afternoon and after supper I took her home and then we went to Damien's baseball. Ruby is relaxing now and watching a movie and i'm doing this lol.

It's great to be back with the grandkids

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