Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 312

Nice sunny day here today - very warm.
Left home at 09:45 this morning and arrived at Memorial Park in Meaford at 1 pm. Once again took the back roads instead of the highways. The site they had reserved for us had to much of a slope and in order to get level the wheels would be of the ground. We check at the office and they told gave us a couple of more sites to check out but the trees were to low in them. We then tried to get set up on the first site but were afraid of bending our jacks so we went back to the office again. They gave us another site to try and if this one did not work out they would give us 2 sites so we could pull across them. They were very accommodating. Luckily the site worked out ok and we finally finished setting up at 3:45. Its a nice park with a beautiful beach but not a lot of sites for big rigs. After our BBQ we went for a walk on the beach and around the park. When we got back we lit a fire and invited the couple from across the road to join us. They are from Fenwick, ON and are very nice. After they went to their trailer we did some hot dogs and smores on the fire. Getting ready for bed now and will do some exploring tomorrow.

1st day of our trip

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