Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 323

A very warm sunny day here today. 28º and still 24º here now.
Some Wii 1st thing. Tammy dropped the grandkids here at 7:30 am as she had a dental appointment in London. After breakfast Ruby finished taking the rest of the clothes, etc out of the motor home and gave it a cleaning. I cleaned out some items from the basement of the motor home and them did some spots on the roof with caulking (Dicor) - just doing some maintenance. After that me, Damien & Payton went into Woodstock to pick up some items. When we got back we had lunch and then it was off to the park pool. Their friend, Georgina, was there. Tammy came there for an hour or so and then we went back to our place where the kids had their freesies which they had brought out in the morning - 1 each for them and one for Georgina. I painted the spots I had done on the motor home roof and Tammy and the grandkids left before supper. After supper I put another coat of paint on the motor home roof spots and Ruby planted and watered some more flowers. Relaxing after.

Some morning fun

Fun at the pool

A freesie with their friend

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