Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 310

Congrats Carla on catching your 1st salmon - way to go. Would have like to have been there for your 1st fish!!!!

Another very hot one here today. 33º and still 26º here now. Suppose to get some rain and cool down a little bit tomorrow - hope so.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk - very warm walking even early in the morning. After breakfast Ruby went into Woodstock to pick up supplies for our trip and I loaded some more gear in the motor home. Tammy dropped the grand kids here just after lunch and we put together the things they bought yesterday from their allowance. Then it was of to the park pool for an hour or so to cool down. Ruby bought some arm floaters & fins for the grand kids and they are doing really well with the swimming. just before supper time I brought them home. We are taking it easy now.

Assembling lol

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