Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 309

Another really hot day here today. 33º today and down to 23º here now. We had a small thunder shower at supper time which cooled things down a little bit and we definitely needed the rain even though it wasn't much.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast we did some more getting the motor home ready for our trip - checking & loading food, clothes (lots for Ruby lol), etc. Tammy dropped the grand kids here just after lunch and we headed for the pool again. After our dip we went into Woodstock where I picked up my "new to me" BB Storm cell phone to replace the one I took for a swim. I purchased it from someone on Kijiji. Its just like new with all the accessories too. Went to Bell and got it activated - so i'm back in business lol. We the took the grandkids shopping with their monthly allowance and Damien's money for passing, which we always enjoy and have lots of fun. After they were finished shopping we dropped them at home. Enjoying the warm evening now.

Heading for the pool

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