Tuesday, September 1, 2009

On the way

Left H.E.W. Resort in Reidville (owned and operated by a lovely
couple) at 1315 headed for Port Aux Basque. Had a great trip out with
a few showers in spots but very little wind. Lost the 2 tail lights
off the car dolly, they shook out of the rubber mounts. Might have
something to do with the smooth roads lol. Arrived in Port Aux Basque
at 1700 and checked in at Marine Atlantic. Ab picks us up there and
took us to their home where Dood had a great turkey supper ready for
us. My what good friends we have. After supper the 4 of us went down
to the wharf where a band was playing. Wouldn't you know Ruby found a
spot to buy some more xmas gifts there. Ab and Dood came back to our
RV for a chat before leaving at 2130. Thanks Ab and Dood for a great
meal and a lovely evening. We got on the Caribou at 2230 and are
currently waiting for her to sail at 0030.

Sent from my mobile device

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