Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 7

Up early this morning (0610) so we can get an early start as today we
will get to see the grandkids. No problem getting Ruby out of bed this
day. Left KOA campground at 0745 and took a different route this time.
Instead of going through Montreal we stayed to the south through
Valleyfield. Its a great way to go, nice scenery and a lot less
traffic. Not much traffic when we first hit the 401 but it certainly
picked up after. Due to the Labour Day holiday there wasn't much large
truck traffic but there was lots of other traffic especially as we
approached Toronto. Even with all the traffic we made good time and
arrived at Noel's at 1615. It is great to see all of them again, the
grandkids were really excited. Noel and Tammy had a great supper
prepared for us (BBQ ribs, corn, oven roasted potatoes, etc). We set
up the RV in their garden for tonight and will head out to our place
in the morning after seeing Damien off to school .

Sent from my mobile device


  1. Hey you guys, glad you made it safe and sound, I bet the grandkids were'nt the only ones excited, we had a great weekend in Burgeo, the weather was great, a little cool at night, but the days were sunny and warm, even got a little burn.
    Crystal stayed on with us the second night, one day in Burgeo was not enough for her.
    Will post pics on facebook soon.
    Talk to ya soon

    Chris & Dean

  2. Glad you guys made it safe and sound.Sounds like your visit with Donnie and Doris was really nice.
    The resort is really lonely now that you guys checked out, we haven't lit the fire since.The clothes line is really lonely too,i did put clothes on it one day. Oh and by the way Earl did cuss on you guys for leaving it , you shouldn't have left it but honestly i love it.Thanks so much. Helen,Earl and Wendy

  3. Thanks for the comments. Its nice to hear from you.
