Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 11

Finally got our mail straightened up - I thought it was only Air Canada that lost things lol. It took 2 trips to Canada Post to do it but it should be ok now. Also got high speed internet set up through Telus using an air card with an antenna. Works good but we are limited to 1 gigabyte upload and download per month so we will have to watch ourselves. Better than dial up though especially with no landline. Finished winterizing the RV after lunch and started tp mow the lawn but the electric mower gave up on me so will have to look for a mower to finish. The mower was in the shed when we bought the place, I think it needs some TLC. Was gonna put the RV in storage at the end of the park but its full there so have it park on our 2nd lot. Will have to check with the owner to see where I can leave it for the winter. Me and Noel took my bow out to an archery dealer in Woodstock after supper for a tuneup. They were surprised to see a bow like mine. He oiled it, put on a new arrow rest (the same type) and waxed the string. He did not want to change anything on the bow as he said it is an antique. The grandkids are having another sleepover tonight. Its Payton's birthday party tomorrow. Her birthday is on Monday but Tammy is having her party tomorrow. Gonna be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys
    Sound like you are real busy,the H.E.W resort is still open if you need a break .lol
