Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 8

Wyatt walk over to school this morning with Damien had did a video of him. We now have a video of each of his 2 first days of school. After breakfast we took Payton and drove out to our home to check things out. All ok. Returned to Noel's and drove the RV out, with Payton along for the ride, and parked it by our home. Took all the food out of the RV fridge etc and placed in our home. Ruby sure had a lot of food in there. Haven't found it all yet lol. Damien and Tammy out after school and the kids were over paddling on the pool. Noel out for supper after work. The grandkids are having a sleepover tonight. The first time they will stay with us overnight without their parents. In fact we are in bed right now as I am typing this - Ruby & Payton and me & Damien. We are some lucky grandparents. Oh well its time for me to go to sleep, everyone
else is. More unloading tomorrow. Good night!


  1. Glad you guys made it ok. I look forward to reading your blog every night. I hope it don't stop now that you're there. Enjoy your retirement!

  2. and the spoiling of the grandkids begins, so happy for you guys, you are where you want to be and that is the most inportant thing of all, enjoy and I will call soon.

    Chris & Dean
