Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 13

Out this morning and purchased a BBQ, patio set and a swing - this retirement thing is looking up. We have a covered patio so hopefully we can use it most of the year. Me and Noel were into Noel's buddy ,James, after we got back and did some practicing with our bows. Its been many years since I did any shooting with my bow and my shoulder knows it tonight. James is from Manitoba and is really into this deer hunting with bows so he will have to show us two rookies the ropes. Ruby had a great cooked supper for us this evening - she might snore but she can put up a great meal. Noel and the grandkids were here for supper. Tammy had to work but she still got her supper sent home to her - she loves the Newfoundland salt beef which Ruby brought with her. Later we rearranged some of the furniture again - we'll figure out where to put it all one of these days lol.

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