Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 2

Arrived in North Sydney at 0700 (nst) to a beautiful sunny morning.
While driving from N Sydney to the PEI ferry we had a lot of trouble
with drivers passing us at the end of the passing lanes and forcing us
to hit the brakes a few times to avoid from going onto the shoulder.
Oh well they'll learn to drive as well as Newfoundlanders one of these
days lol. We arrived at the PEI ferry at 1115. The ferry left at
1230 and we arrived in PEI at 1400. Janine and John were suppose to
meet us there but they had trouble with their car and couldn't make
it. Too bad as we were looking forward to spending a couple of days
with them. What a great trip across to PEI, sunny and very warm and
there soft serve is not bad either. We arrived at Vacation Land RV
Park at 1345 and set up. A beautiful park - very clean. Went for a
ride after supper. PEI is very clean with everything mowed but there
roads are rough in spots and very narrow. All in all a good day.

Sent from my mobile device

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW WAY OF LIFE. May it lead you in new paths and discover some more of the excitment of this wonderful world we live in.
    There is more to life than 'the ROCK', even if that's what our father believes.LOL
    We are currently in Clarke's Beach on holidays and trying to improve our house, maybe you'll swing by this way some year. Have fun, Loves yas, Mona
