Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 24

Took Envoy to Apple Auto Glass this morning to have windshield replaced. Noel picked me up there and me, Noel and Payton went to Service Ontario in Aylmer and picked up a deer licence (doe) for our area. We now each have a buck licence for all Ontario and a doe licence for area 91. Also picked up some gear: camouflage cap, mask, chair and tent blind. The hunting is gonna be different up here. Found new lights and rubber light seals for my car dolly which I lost between Deer Lake and Port-Aux-Basque on the way up here. After supper got back at the sun room floor insulating and Ruby mowed and whipper snipped the lawn. You fellows are missing some fun - laying on back underneath floor in dirt and sand and installing insulation between floor joist over you. Plus screwing on strapping to hold it in place. Sounds great hey! Should be a cosy warm room this winter though with the floor insulation, new insulated walls, new windows and the corn stove. Have to get at insulating the porch floor tomorrow. Also cannot buy any vinyl siding up here as none of the store in Woodstock carry any amount. Has to be ordered. Not much demand for it I guess, mostly brick and cement up here.

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