Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 19

Yahoo we passed!!! I are now officially able to hunt Deer in Ontario. Wyatt, Noel & James were out to Brussels this morning and finished up the Ontario Hunters Education program. We all graduated! We have to take our slip to a Service Ontario center to obtain our outdoor card and a buck licence. Me and James may be able to obtain an H1 card because I have a POL and James had a PAL (which has expired) and Noel cam get an H2 card. A H1 card is for gun and bow hunting while a H2 card is for bow hunting only. Noel will have to do another course for guns. Also, we will all have to do another course to hunt turkeys, but we are going to concentrate on deers this fall and check into the other hunting next year. The rules and laws for hunting in Newfoundland are simple and few compared to the rules and laws for hunting in Ontario. It will take a few years to figure it all out. Got a picture window ready to install in the sun room - had to install outside facings. Me and Noel are hoping to install it tomorrow. Had to start the furnace this evening - the first time since we got here.

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