Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 26

Stripped the lattice from around the bottom of the trailer this morning. Clean up underneath. Jacked trailer level with the help of George and Ernie (2 people living in the park) and their jacks. Used 3 hydraulic jacks and had to raise the trailer on one side about 3" to get it level. After leveling the trailer the door in the built on porch would not close. Had to jack one side of porch 1 1/2" higher to get door to close properly. All okay now except for a few cracks in the sun room and porch which we had to do anyhow. Trailer looks and feels level now. Wouldn't you know about half way through the job of leveling the trailer it started raining. We got plenty wet. George and Ernie left when most of the trailer leveling was done because of the rain - good job thanks guys. We were invited to a happy hour/supper/general meeting starting at 1530 but I was at the job until 1600 and Noel, Damien, Payton and Emily were here for supper. Gonna take a day off from working at the trailer tomorrow and do some practicing with the bow and check out our hunting site.

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