Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 30

Feeling a bit better this morning but still not 100%. Me and Ruby but heating cable on water line and insulated same. Hopefully it won't freeze this winter. Also installed some vinyl on the trailer skirting. Tammy and Payton out for a visit and we were into their place after supper. Thanks for the card & gift Bruce and Marlene. Hope the guys have lots of luck on their hunting trip - gonna miss it. We are going hunting on Saturday.

Day 29

Did not post last night - to sick. Took a neo cistern at 1900 went to bed and got up at 2230 and had another and back to bed until 0800. We did pick up some materials in Woodstock during the day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 28

Rain and thunder showers this morning. Cleaned up mess from Saturday - everything sand and mud from working in the rain. Took a load of materials etc to the dumpster. Jacked up sun room. Ruby insulated the inside walls in the sun room and then we installed the vapor barrier. Cleaned up and put the table and chairs back out in the sun room which will give us a bit more room. Figured out where we are gonna put our corn stove. We have to install the siding on the sun room and do the gyprock and trim etc to complete. Its starting to feel like fall up here now. Showers and windy today.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 27

Me, Noel and James out after lunch and did some practicing with our bows. After out to Pete's dairy farm (where Tammy works) and set up tree seat for Noel and tent blind for Wyatt. James to get his setup later. Back to James and out on quad to check out some sites on the farm where he works. Also set up James motion camera to check if any deer in the area and the times they are moving. He will check camera on Wednesday. Back home and Ruby and the grandkids had a great cooked meal ready for us. After supper picked up our corn stove. Will be getting back to work at the trailer tomorrow morning.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 26

Stripped the lattice from around the bottom of the trailer this morning. Clean up underneath. Jacked trailer level with the help of George and Ernie (2 people living in the park) and their jacks. Used 3 hydraulic jacks and had to raise the trailer on one side about 3" to get it level. After leveling the trailer the door in the built on porch would not close. Had to jack one side of porch 1 1/2" higher to get door to close properly. All okay now except for a few cracks in the sun room and porch which we had to do anyhow. Trailer looks and feels level now. Wouldn't you know about half way through the job of leveling the trailer it started raining. We got plenty wet. George and Ernie left when most of the trailer leveling was done because of the rain - good job thanks guys. We were invited to a happy hour/supper/general meeting starting at 1530 but I was at the job until 1600 and Noel, Damien, Payton and Emily were here for supper. Gonna take a day off from working at the trailer tomorrow and do some practicing with the bow and check out our hunting site.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 25

Finished insulating and strapping the porch floor today. Ruby out cleaning the usable siding that we took off when we started renovating. Into Noel's for lunch. Out to Woodstock and ordered some siding and trim. Tammy, Damien, Payton & Emily (grandkids cousin) here for supper. Noel was working. After supper did some wiring in the sun room. Hooked up some plug-ins and lights - no lights there before. A bit cooler today with the wind.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 24

Took Envoy to Apple Auto Glass this morning to have windshield replaced. Noel picked me up there and me, Noel and Payton went to Service Ontario in Aylmer and picked up a deer licence (doe) for our area. We now each have a buck licence for all Ontario and a doe licence for area 91. Also picked up some gear: camouflage cap, mask, chair and tent blind. The hunting is gonna be different up here. Found new lights and rubber light seals for my car dolly which I lost between Deer Lake and Port-Aux-Basque on the way up here. After supper got back at the sun room floor insulating and Ruby mowed and whipper snipped the lawn. You fellows are missing some fun - laying on back underneath floor in dirt and sand and installing insulation between floor joist over you. Plus screwing on strapping to hold it in place. Sounds great hey! Should be a cosy warm room this winter though with the floor insulation, new insulated walls, new windows and the corn stove. Have to get at insulating the porch floor tomorrow. Also cannot buy any vinyl siding up here as none of the store in Woodstock carry any amount. Has to be ordered. Not much demand for it I guess, mostly brick and cement up here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 23

A few showers this morning - but very warm. Cleared up before noon. Noel and the kids out this morning. Cleaned up underneath sun room - all old insulation had fell down. Into Woodstock to pick up some lumber and insulation. Costly trip. Broke windshield in Envoy - OUCH!!! Packed lumber in between bucket seats, pushed 5 bundles of insulation in on top of lumber. When I opened the door to get in a piece of lumber had been pushed up over the dash and into the windshield putting 3 large cracks in it. Over to Apple Auto Glass and they are going to install a new one tomorrow morning at 0900. And to think I could have the materials delivered for $30. Live and learn I guess. Ruby was picking up groceries at the time and you should have seen the look on her face when she got in the vehicle. Insulated most of sun room floor when we got back except for some small pieces and the strapping to hold it up. Over to check on the corn stove after supper. Good price so we are going to buy. Will pick up when they get it ready for me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 22

First day of fall - you would never say it here - very warm. Me and Ruby at the sun room all day. Built last wall, insulated outside, etc. Started at 0800 and finished at 1800. Pretty well finished outside walls of sun room except for the siding. Will have to insulate the floor before siding goes on - will start that tomorrow. Floor was insulated before but all fell down. Talking to Jimmy - we wish him good luck on his insurance claim - get your new floor Jimmy. In to see the grandkids after supper for a half hour before they went to bed. Still have not got a price on the corn stove.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 21

Now for today lol. Me, Noel, Damien and Payton were out to Service Ontario in Stratford and purchased our outdoor cards and deer licence. The two of us now have our cards and a buck licence which is good for all Ontario. They would not give me a H1 card even though I had my POL. They said you need a PAL. So I will have to do that course later too. If we want a doe licence for our area we have to go to Service Ontario in Aylmer or London to purchase one. May do that later. Damien and Payton were given a fishing card. After we got back we took the grandkids out for lunch (McDonald's of course) and then took them shopping. They spent their $20 we give the each month. Damien transformers and Payton dolls. After supper did some wiring in he sun room. It started raining here last night and rained off and on all day. The first day of rain we had since we got here.

Day 20

oops forgot to post last night. Had to wait until noon to get at the work this morning - not allowed to make any noise Sunday mornings in the park. Its a good thing I guess as most people like to rest on Sunday. I do too, but I'm trying to put a push on the winterizing of the trailer before the cold weather hits. Installed last window in back wall of sun room with the help of Noel, Ruby and Damien. Also, installed some installation on outside back wall. Noel, Damien and Payton here for supper - Tammy was working. Over to another trailer after supper to have a look at a corn stove they are selling. Would be a nice stove for our sun room. They will give me a price on it later. Another nice sunny day although cool in the night time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 19

Yahoo we passed!!! I are now officially able to hunt Deer in Ontario. Wyatt, Noel & James were out to Brussels this morning and finished up the Ontario Hunters Education program. We all graduated! We have to take our slip to a Service Ontario center to obtain our outdoor card and a buck licence. Me and James may be able to obtain an H1 card because I have a POL and James had a PAL (which has expired) and Noel cam get an H2 card. A H1 card is for gun and bow hunting while a H2 card is for bow hunting only. Noel will have to do another course for guns. Also, we will all have to do another course to hunt turkeys, but we are going to concentrate on deers this fall and check into the other hunting next year. The rules and laws for hunting in Newfoundland are simple and few compared to the rules and laws for hunting in Ontario. It will take a few years to figure it all out. Got a picture window ready to install in the sun room - had to install outside facings. Me and Noel are hoping to install it tomorrow. Had to start the furnace this evening - the first time since we got here.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 18

Removed 3 old windows and aluminum wall below windows. Built out new inside wall with 2 by 2 and installed 3 new windows in the sun room today along with Ruby's and Payton's help. Into Noel's for supper and the Wyatt, Noel and James out to Brussells to do Ontario's hunting course. We did from 7 to 10 ( 3 Hours) tonight and have to be back at it 0900 tomorrow morning. After we will get our outdoor card and an automatic buck licence. We can also buy a doe licence and can go deer hunting with our bows on October 01. There are 3 seasons up here for archery hunting and there's gun hunting in between. They are not out hunting together so you do not have to where blaze orange while you are archery hunting. Got to get me buck b'y!!!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 17

Another flat out busy day. Finished building the 2 walls in sun room (still 1 small one left to go). Lots of cutting, fitting, shimming etc. Ruby still doing some gardening. Payton & Damien out helping us most of the day. Weather still holding though - hope it lasts. Ruby got some good news today. EI called and told her her claim was approved after calling her yesterday and telling her it was denied. That's the Federal Government for you, but it worked out ok. Off to bed - both very tired.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 16

Built new wall in sun room for our new windows this morning. Ruby and Payton doing some gardening. After lunch me, Ruby & Payton took motor home down to storage area at end of park for winter. Will have to take batteries out later when I get the chance. We were over to lot 72 for happy hour at 1530 until 1730 for a few beer. Apparently they have them at different lots ever couple of weeks so I guess we will have one later on - probably next summer though before we get ready. There were about 20 people there so we got to meet quite a few park residents - don't ask us to name them though. Ruby's day was made when she was told that she only looks about 30 years old - I still haven't got her feet back on the ground yet. What you think of that Jimmy? After supper Ruby drove out to the shopping square in Woodstock. Its the first time she drove there. Maybe I'll be sorry for showing her how to drive there - could cost me a few dollars lol. Weather still great up this way!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 15

I hate to keep saying this (lol) but we had another fantastic day - 26c. Also I think there's something in the water up here, Ruby was up before me again this morning, 0720. She's up before 0800 most every morning - now i'm not complaining - it's great. Out to Home Hardware this morning and picked out our windows for the sun room, will be delivered after lunch. Had Noel's truck and picked up 2 by 4 etc for new walls in sun room. Started getting things ready for construction while Ruby went in and picked up Damien and Payton from Rainbow Times. Ruby, Payton & Damien did some gardening and our windows arrived at 1430. Noel, Tammmy and the grandkids here for supper, first BBQ on our new BBQ, and had supper on the patio, nice and warm. In fact its still 20c here as I am typing this - kool hey. We have an invite,from Ernie a Newfoundlander,for a happy hour at lot 72 tomorrow at 1530 - all booze provided - just bring chairs. Not bad hey. We are planning on attending to meet some of the crowd here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 14

Took the siding off the sun room this morning to check wall. Its a prefab wall of aluminum posts and cross members 1 1/2" by 1 1/2" filled in between with styrofoam. Inside has 1/8" panel plus wallpaper. Definitely not enough for winter. We decided to put up 2 by 4 walls inside with new windows and insulation to get the sun room ready for the cold. Picked up Payton this morning (Damien in school) and into Woodstock to check on getting our Ontario driver licence and vehicles registered. They are on strike so we'll have to wait on that one. Into Home Hardware to check on windows etc. They have some on sale so will get them tomorrow morning. Also will pick up 2 by 4 etc to get started winterizing the room. Also will have to insulate the floor, was done but insulation all fell down - no strapping. Lots of work to do before the cold weather arrives - oh to have the boys here now to help out. In to visit the birthday girl and to see Damien after supper.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 13

Out this morning and purchased a BBQ, patio set and a swing - this retirement thing is looking up. We have a covered patio so hopefully we can use it most of the year. Me and Noel were into Noel's buddy ,James, after we got back and did some practicing with our bows. Its been many years since I did any shooting with my bow and my shoulder knows it tonight. James is from Manitoba and is really into this deer hunting with bows so he will have to show us two rookies the ropes. Ruby had a great cooked supper for us this evening - she might snore but she can put up a great meal. Noel and the grandkids were here for supper. Tammy had to work but she still got her supper sent home to her - she loves the Newfoundland salt beef which Ruby brought with her. Later we rearranged some of the furniture again - we'll figure out where to put it all one of these days lol.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 12

Another nice sunny morning - we had a few lite showers yesterday evening which is the first rain we had since we left the island. Had the grandkids out shopping with us this morning and took them to Subway for lunch. Into Noel's at 1500 for Payton's birthday party. She had a lovely party with a visit from Cinderella, face painting etc. There is a steak dinner and dance here at the park tonight but we did not attend because we did not get back from Noel's until 2030. Thanks Helen for the invite back to H.E.W. resort for a rest (it is restful isn't it), we might be busy up here but we are spending lots of time with our grandkids.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 11

Finally got our mail straightened up - I thought it was only Air Canada that lost things lol. It took 2 trips to Canada Post to do it but it should be ok now. Also got high speed internet set up through Telus using an air card with an antenna. Works good but we are limited to 1 gigabyte upload and download per month so we will have to watch ourselves. Better than dial up though especially with no landline. Finished winterizing the RV after lunch and started tp mow the lawn but the electric mower gave up on me so will have to look for a mower to finish. The mower was in the shed when we bought the place, I think it needs some TLC. Was gonna put the RV in storage at the end of the park but its full there so have it park on our 2nd lot. Will have to check with the owner to see where I can leave it for the winter. Me and Noel took my bow out to an archery dealer in Woodstock after supper for a tuneup. They were surprised to see a bow like mine. He oiled it, put on a new arrow rest (the same type) and waxed the string. He did not want to change anything on the bow as he said it is an antique. The grandkids are having another sleepover tonight. Its Payton's birthday party tomorrow. Her birthday is on Monday but Tammy is having her party tomorrow. Gonna be fun.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 10

Another warm sunny morning. Washed and waxed the RV this morning. Hard water up this way according to the water spots after it dried. Wyatt, Ruby & Payton (Damien in school) in to Woodstock to do some shopping, get our phones change over and check why we are not getting any mail. Our new phone numbers are:
Wyatt: 519-535-4519
Ruby: 519-535-4520
Still haven't got the mail thing straightened out, will have to have another go at it tomorrow. No mail going to either our old or new address. The first time since we arrived that we had supper with just the 2 of us. Did some more winterizing on the RV after supper with some help from Noel. Tammy and the grandkids were here also. Hoping to finish putting the RV away for the winter tomorrow and next week get to the task of getting our home ready for winter. Also working on getting something set up for Internet . Busy, busy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 9

Up bright and early this morning - no sleeping in with the grandkids here. Finished taking items out of the RV today and then started putting things back in. It amazing how much Ruby can put in a motorhome. Took some containers from the shed and put in the RV for winter storage or until Ruby needs them lol. The grand kids were with us all day today until Noel took them home at 1900. Damien has school tomorrow. Will hopefully finish winterizing the RV tomorrow. Also will have to check on why we are not receiving any mail. Will check on getting some new cell phone numbers tomorrow - will let everyone know by email if we do. We haven't stopped much since we retired - may have to go back to work to get a spell lol.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 8

Wyatt walk over to school this morning with Damien had did a video of him. We now have a video of each of his 2 first days of school. After breakfast we took Payton and drove out to our home to check things out. All ok. Returned to Noel's and drove the RV out, with Payton along for the ride, and parked it by our home. Took all the food out of the RV fridge etc and placed in our home. Ruby sure had a lot of food in there. Haven't found it all yet lol. Damien and Tammy out after school and the kids were over paddling on the pool. Noel out for supper after work. The grandkids are having a sleepover tonight. The first time they will stay with us overnight without their parents. In fact we are in bed right now as I am typing this - Ruby & Payton and me & Damien. We are some lucky grandparents. Oh well its time for me to go to sleep, everyone
else is. More unloading tomorrow. Good night!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 7

Up early this morning (0610) so we can get an early start as today we
will get to see the grandkids. No problem getting Ruby out of bed this
day. Left KOA campground at 0745 and took a different route this time.
Instead of going through Montreal we stayed to the south through
Valleyfield. Its a great way to go, nice scenery and a lot less
traffic. Not much traffic when we first hit the 401 but it certainly
picked up after. Due to the Labour Day holiday there wasn't much large
truck traffic but there was lots of other traffic especially as we
approached Toronto. Even with all the traffic we made good time and
arrived at Noel's at 1615. It is great to see all of them again, the
grandkids were really excited. Noel and Tammy had a great supper
prepared for us (BBQ ribs, corn, oven roasted potatoes, etc). We set
up the RV in their garden for tonight and will head out to our place
in the morning after seeing Damien off to school .

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 6

Its another beautiful sunny morning - we are certainly hitting the good weather. Spent the day in Montreal with Donnie and Doris - what a nice solarium they have on there house - Kool. Down to Old Port, Montreal to listen to some music, watch the busker's and stroll around. Went to Scaroler's (an Italian restaurant)for supper. The food there is unbelieveable - never tasted anything like it before. Back to Donnie's after supper to finish up our visit. Thanks guys for the wonderful day and for being our tour guides - your great friends. Back at the KOA campground at 0945. Off to bed as we have a long drive tomorrow and we want to get on the road early.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Another beautiful sunny morning. Left Le Rayon de Soleil campground at
0900. Lots of traffic today. Arrived at KOA South campground in
Montreal at 1420. Phoned Donnie and Doris (good friends of ours) to
let them know where we were. They came put to see us at 1720 and we
had a great supper and visit together. It was good to see them again.
They left for home at 2200. We are looking forward to visiting their
place and spending the day with them tomorrow.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 4

Another nice warm sunny morning. Left Vacationland RV Park at 0900.
Quite the bridge coming off the island - 13 kms long. Driving all day
except for the occassional break. Pulled into Camping Le Rayon De
Soleil in Saint-Alexadre de Kamouraska, QC (don't ask me to pronunce
it) for the night at 1900. Nice park. Driving for 10 hours and went
over 700 kms but we only got 400 kms or so to go tomorrow to get to
our campground in Montreal. A long day but we gained a hour because of
the time zone so that will give Ruby some of her sleep back lol.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 3

0700 - sunny and 15 c
Left park at 1000 for the day to do some exploring. Visited 'Ripley's Believe It or Not' , wax Museum' and 'Cow Creamery' where ice cream is made. Good tasting ice cream too. Went downtown Charlottetown and did some strolling on the harbour boardwalk. Oh ya, Ruby found a place to buy another purse - I guess she needs another new one lol. Went to 'New Glasgow Lobster Suppers' at 1700 where Ruby had her feed of lobster. Very warm and sunny all day (24) - we certainly hit the good weather. Back at the RV at 1900. It will be a travel day tomorrow as we want to get as close as we can to Montreal to spend most of Saturday and all of Sunday with Donnie and Doris.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 2

Arrived in North Sydney at 0700 (nst) to a beautiful sunny morning.
While driving from N Sydney to the PEI ferry we had a lot of trouble
with drivers passing us at the end of the passing lanes and forcing us
to hit the brakes a few times to avoid from going onto the shoulder.
Oh well they'll learn to drive as well as Newfoundlanders one of these
days lol. We arrived at the PEI ferry at 1115. The ferry left at
1230 and we arrived in PEI at 1400. Janine and John were suppose to
meet us there but they had trouble with their car and couldn't make
it. Too bad as we were looking forward to spending a couple of days
with them. What a great trip across to PEI, sunny and very warm and
there soft serve is not bad either. We arrived at Vacation Land RV
Park at 1345 and set up. A beautiful park - very clean. Went for a
ride after supper. PEI is very clean with everything mowed but there
roads are rough in spots and very narrow. All in all a good day.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

On the way

Left H.E.W. Resort in Reidville (owned and operated by a lovely
couple) at 1315 headed for Port Aux Basque. Had a great trip out with
a few showers in spots but very little wind. Lost the 2 tail lights
off the car dolly, they shook out of the rubber mounts. Might have
something to do with the smooth roads lol. Arrived in Port Aux Basque
at 1700 and checked in at Marine Atlantic. Ab picks us up there and
took us to their home where Dood had a great turkey supper ready for
us. My what good friends we have. After supper the 4 of us went down
to the wharf where a band was playing. Wouldn't you know Ruby found a
spot to buy some more xmas gifts there. Ab and Dood came back to our
RV for a chat before leaving at 2130. Thanks Ab and Dood for a great
meal and a lovely evening. We got on the Caribou at 2230 and are
currently waiting for her to sail at 0030.

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