Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 647

Another hot one here today and 27º. Its 19º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am for Noel & Tammy to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run. Ruby then got Damien off to school and then brought Payton to our place for the day. After I got home I went up to the park chalet for a snack (the have snack mornings here every 2nd Thursday) and then me and Gord went for 9 holes of golf in Woodstock. When I got back home I did my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby took Payton home and waited for Damien to get home from school and for Noel to get home from work. After supper it was relax time.

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