Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 645

Another hot sunny one and 31º. Its 25º here now. We had a severe thunderstorm go through from 4 to 5:30 am this morning - wicked!!!
Did my morning bus run and when I got home I took our motorhome to a garage in Woodstock to let them have a look at why the dash air was not working. Ruby got the grandkids ready and took them to school and then she went to her meeting in Woodstock. Left the motorhome at the garage and Ruby came and picked me up and brought be near home and I walked the rest of the way. Ruby then returned to her meeting and then they went out for buffet lunch. I did my afternoon bus run and while I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to wait for the grandkids to get home from school and for Tammy to get home from work. After I got home Ruby took me into Woodstock to get the motorhome. They got the dash air working (found a leak) and also repaired a broken vacuum line (couldn't change the dash air from defrost). All working now and lots of cold air. After supper we did some relaxing.

Pics from yesterday

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