Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 571

Frosty (-14º) to the day but sunny morning but cloudy after lunch with a few flurries and up to -1º. Its -9º here now.
Ruby into Noel's before 6 am this morning for Noel & Tammy to go to work and wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run. Ruby got them off to school and them headed back home. After breakfast I got at making a fill-in for the floor between the add-on and the trailer. Shaped a piece of poplar and got it in place and ready for stain. Then it was of on my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to wait for the grandkids to get home from school and Noel & Tammy to get home from work. After supper it was relax time.

Turkeys galore - Ruby's cell phone pics

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