Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 552

Cold and windy this morning and -6º and temp up to -2º today. We had about 6 cms of snow overnight after the rain. Its -6º here now.
We stayed at Noel's last night due to the flood warning in the park. Me, Noel & James went to the gun show in Woodstock this morning. Ruby returned to our home when she got up and everything ok - no flood. After her breakfast she put another coat of paint on the window and patio door trims. Noel dropped me at home and then I cleaned off the bus and moved the bus to its regular parking spot for Adrian to clear the snow. I had moved the bus up to the parking lot yesterday due to the flood warning. After that I shoveled the driveway etc. After my breakfast I cleaned the corn stove. Then we listened to the Wings get a bad beating. Some R & R from then on.

Having fun

The little brook became a big brook yesterday evening


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