Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 556

Lots of rain here today and 5º. Its 2º here now and still raining.
Did my morning bus run and fueled up after. Lots of slippery spots on the gravel roads. After breakfast we taped and primed the living room walls. Then it was off on my afternoon bus run. I picked up the grandkids on my way home and then we went into Woodstock to take Payton to her dance class. After that we took them to supper (you know where) and then took them shopping with their monthly allowance. Payton bought shoes & sandals but Damien was having none of that - he wanted toys lol. We got a call while we were in Woodstock from Tina (park owner) that the brook in the park was still rising and they will make a decision at 10 pm weather we will have to move out for the night. When we got home Ruby took the grandkids home to get them to bed and I moved the bus up to the parking lot just in case. Waiting word now on where we will be sleeping tonight lol.

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