Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 566

Cloudy here today with some sunny periods and 7º. Its 1º here now.
Ran out of propane last night - it shouldn't have happen as we are on auto fill up. At around 9:30 pm last night we found it a little cool in the home and when I checked the furnace the pilot light had gone out. Tried the stove but gone as well and then checked the propane tanks and they were empty. Called our supplier at 9:45 pm and left a message on their emergency voice mail but they did not get back to us so I called their pager number and left my number. They finally called and I explained our situation and he said he would get here as quick as he can. The truck showed up a little after 1 am (he had to drive quite a ways) and it was after 2 am before we got in bed. It wasn't cold here because we had the corn stove in the add-on and a small electric heater in the trailer. Will have to give them a call tomorrow to check out what went wrong.
A fairly quiet and relaxing day here today. After a late breakfast I walked down to the end of the park and started up my bus, let it run for awhile and got things ready for tomorrow morning - back at it then. After an early supper we took all the corn out of the corn stove and cleaned the hogger as it was making a slight noise - good now.

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