Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 562

Rain this morning but cleared up after lunch and sunny after and 8º. Its 4º here now.
Into Noel's and waited for the grandkids to get up and brought then to our place for breakfast. After breakfast me and Damien took the last bit of ice off the deck and then, with help from both of them, we got at doing the door box between the trailer and add-on. Before lunch I took Damien and Payton and met Noel at the GM dealer in Woodstock. They sold their van through the dealer and Tammy as a 2011 GMC Terrain ordered - it will be made at the plant where she works and she will help build it. While in there I picked up some more items at HH for my job and then dropped Noel, Damien & Payton at home. Then we got back at casing in the door frame etc and before supper had most of it completed - have to fill in the screw/nail holes tomorrow to get it ready for painting. I then went in and picked up Damien and took him to his karate class. Had supper when I got back home and then some relaxing.

All of the deck

Pop's helpers

Its disappearing

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