Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 557

Wet snow and wind today and 0º. Its -1º here now.
Spent the night at Noel's last night due to the flood threat in the park. I took the bus in at 10 pm and parked in the school lot across from Noel's. The rain changed to snow overnight and we had about 10 cms of heavy, wet snow this morning. Combined with the temp it made for some slippery driving. The buses were canceled in this area but not in the Waterloo area so we had to do our run - lots of slipping and sliding. After my run I checked with Tina at the park and the creek was dropping back so I stopped at Noel's for Ruby and we went back home. After breakfast I went out and cleaned up some snow and then touched up a few spots on the living room wall. Then off on my afternoon bus run - still not nice. While I was gone Noel dropped the grandkids here on his way to work. After supper Ruby took them home and staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Some fun

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