Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 569

Winter is back here today. We had about 15 cms of snow overnight and about another 5 cms today with NE winds and -3º. Its -4º here now. Its enough to make a grown man cry lol - come on Florida.
Ruby into Noel's before 6 am this morning for Noel & Tammy to go to work and wait for the grandkids to get up. All bus routes and most schools were canceled for today due to the weather so no bus run for me this morning. After the grandkids got up Ruby brought them to our place for the day. After breakfast I went out and cleaned up some snow from the driveway and the deck and then cleaned up the work shed. Spent the rest of the day being entertained by the grandkids. Before supper I took the grandkids home and waited for Noel & Tammy to get home from work as Damien had to go right to his karate. Cleaned up some more snow when I got back and after supper we had some R & R.

Before - 4 days ago


Too stormy for the rabbit to move lol

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