Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 577

Had a skim of snow overnight. Mostly cloudy day here today with a few sunny breaks in the afternoon and 5º. Its 3º here now.
Did my bus run this morning and stopped for tea after. After breakfast I went for a walk. After lunch Ruby went in and picked up Tammy and took her to the GM dealer in Woodstock where she picked up her new vehicle - 2011 GMC Terrain. I did my afternoon bus run and Ruby went into Noel's and waited for Damien & Payton to get home from school and then brought them to our place. Noel here for supper after work. After supper Ruby took Payton to her dance class (canceled when she got there) and Noel took Damien to his karate class. Ruby then took Payton home and stayed with the grandkids while Noel went to his kickboxing.

Our karate kid and dancer

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 576

Mostly sunny day here today with a few clouds in the afternoon and 5º. Its 3º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. Then I went to Innerkip for fuel and to get my bus washed - they get pretty dirty from travelling on the gravel roads. After breakfast I went for a walk. Then Ruby went into Noel's so Tammy could take our vehicle to Noel's work and then take Noel's truck from there to her place of work. I did my afternoon bus run and picked up Ruby, Damien & Payton on my way back home. Noel came here for supper after he got home from work. After supper Ruby took them home and stayed with the grandkids while Noel went to his kick boxing class.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 575

Nice sunny day here today and 3º. Its -1º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea after. Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and some shopping. I went for a walk after breakfast. After Ruby got home she went into Noel's so Tammy could take our vehicle to Toyota and take Noel's truck from there to her work. I did my afternoon bus run. Ruby waited for the grandkids to get home from school and for Noel to get home from work. She then brought the grandkids to our place. Just before supper I went in and picked up Noel and they were here for supper. After supper I took them home. Some R & R now.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 574

Nice sunny day here today and up to 0º. Its -3º here now.
Frosty (-10º) start for my morning bus run. Stopped for tea and fuel after. After breakfast I went for a walk and Ruby stained the washroom cabinets. After lunchtime Ruby went into Noel's so Tammy could go to work, watch Payton, wait for Damien to get home from school and for Noel to get home from work. Noel dropped Ruby & Payton here and then he took Damien to his karate class. After they were here for supper and after supper Ruby went in to watch the grandkids while Noel went to karate.

Grandmas helper

His new belt

In the park

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 573

Another frosty (-10º) start to the day but sunny all day with a cold wind and -2º. Its -4º here now.
Mostly relaxing day today. We have most all of the work done that we are gonna do on the trailer this winter/spring. After lunch I walked down and started up my bus and let it run for awhile. Noel here after supper to pick up the keys to our vehicle as Tammy will be taking it to Noel's work tomorrow afternoon and swapping it there with Noel's truck. She will go to work in Noel's truck and Noel will come home in our vehicle.

Damien being tested for belt advancement yesterday - he passed

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 572

Frosty (-12º) start to the day but sunny all day with a cold wind and -3º. Its -6º here now.
Stained the bottom piece of the door frame first thing this morning. After breakfast I put on another coat and then installed the metal piece. Ruby started staining the cupboard doors - wasn't planned but we tried it and it looked good. I cleaned up the shed from the sawing/sanding from the door piece and then repaired one of the drawers in the kitchen cupboards while Ruby continued staining them and I then repaired two chairs - Payton blames Rick for breaking one lol. I then sanded and painted the furnace cover and while that was drying I went for a walk. When I got back Ruby had finished the cupboard doors and painted the exposed edge of the furnace. I reinstalled the furnace cover. Getting some small jobs done in the trailer and the place is certainly looking better - we think.

Brightening things up

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 571

Frosty (-14º) to the day but sunny morning but cloudy after lunch with a few flurries and up to -1º. Its -9º here now.
Ruby into Noel's before 6 am this morning for Noel & Tammy to go to work and wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run. Ruby got them off to school and them headed back home. After breakfast I got at making a fill-in for the floor between the add-on and the trailer. Shaped a piece of poplar and got it in place and ready for stain. Then it was of on my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to wait for the grandkids to get home from school and Noel & Tammy to get home from work. After supper it was relax time.

Turkeys galore - Ruby's cell phone pics

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 570

Sunny and cool here today with a high of -3º. Its -7º here now.
Ruby into Noel's before 6 am for Noel & Tammy to go to work and then wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run and stopped for tea and fuel after. Ruby got Damien off to school and then brought Payton to our place for the day. After breakfast I loaded our 4 6V batteries belonging to our motorhome and took them to Forest City Motorhomes in London. They took the old batteries and I bought 4 new ones. After lunch I did my afternoon bus run and Ruby & Payton went into Noel's to wait for Damien to get home from school and Noel & Tammy to get home from work. After supper it was R & R time.

Lots of deer

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 569

Winter is back here today. We had about 15 cms of snow overnight and about another 5 cms today with NE winds and -3º. Its -4º here now. Its enough to make a grown man cry lol - come on Florida.
Ruby into Noel's before 6 am this morning for Noel & Tammy to go to work and wait for the grandkids to get up. All bus routes and most schools were canceled for today due to the weather so no bus run for me this morning. After the grandkids got up Ruby brought them to our place for the day. After breakfast I went out and cleaned up some snow from the driveway and the deck and then cleaned up the work shed. Spent the rest of the day being entertained by the grandkids. Before supper I took the grandkids home and waited for Noel & Tammy to get home from work as Damien had to go right to his karate. Cleaned up some more snow when I got back and after supper we had some R & R.

Before - 4 days ago


Too stormy for the rabbit to move lol