Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 237

Cloudy this morning but cleared up nicely before lunch and then sunny and warm the rest of the day.
Wii 1st thing. After breakfast Ruby got at her Wii and I went out to do some more decking. Tammy dropped Payton off here before lunch and she was a great help at the decking. Tammy picked Payton up at 3 and I left at 3:30 pm to meet Noel at our hunting spot for our 1st turkey hunt. Just before we got to where we were gonna set up we drove 2 turkeys. We did not see them until 1 took off and we did not see the 2nd one until it took off too and what with all the gear we were carrying etc we did not get a chance for a shot. If we had seen them before they flew we may have had a chance to get a shot but it was totally unexpected - oh well that's the way hunting goes sometimes. We set up our 2 decoys and got situated, used our callers but no luck. At 6:45 we left and headed out because you are not allowed to hunt turkeys after 7 pm. We'll have to give it another try later this week. Got home around 7:30.

Lunch time

Our 1st turkey hunt

Trail cam pics

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