Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 219

Lots of rain last night and this morning but slacked of after lunch. Stayed warm but starting to cool down now.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii workout after breakfast. To wet to work on deck so I removed one of the window shutters from our home. They were brown and were painted blue and we are gonna clean them and paint them white. I tried removing the blue paint (its scaling of) with the pressure washer and most of it came of. Will try painting one next to see how it comes out. Then before supper I went for a walk. Just lit the corn stove, the first time we had it going for over a week but its suppose to be a bit cold tonight. Getting ready now to go to Noel's to watch the grand kids for the weekend.

Mud Creek rising after the rain

What a place to put a nest - on Ruby's flower wreath by our door!!!!

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