Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 224

Beautiful warm sunny day again today.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. After breakfast I started cleaning the window shutters with the pressure washer. Took awhile but I finally got them all done. Just as I finished Ruby got home and she had some spray paint to try on the shutters. She had painted the first one with a brush but it took awhile. With the spray I did a couple in no time at all but she only bought 2 cans so I had to go the Home Hardware (Brenda take note) in Woodstock to buy some more. They only had 1 can left so I had to go to Home Hardware in Ingersol to get the rest. When I got back we had supper and then I got back to finishing the first coat on the shutters and then I started the second coat. Ruby left to go to Noel's to watch the grand kids for the evening and I stayed home to finish up the shutters as we want to get them back on tomorrow. A long day but they are all ready.

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