Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 227

A nice warm day here today but cooled of in the evening.
Damien up fairly early this morning but Payton slept in a bit - she had gamma up a few times during the night. Mom, Brenda and Dean got here at a little after 11 am. Mom was quite surprised to see Sharon here - Dean figured out who our visitor was from last nights pic on the blog. After Tammy got of work at 1 pm her and Noel here too. Nice to have them all here. Tammy and Noel left with the grand kids at around 2 pm and Dean and Brenda left for their hotel in Kitchener at 2:30 pm. Me, Ruby, Sharon & mom went into Noel's for a short visit and then we went to a shopping mall in Stratford where we spent a total of $1.00 between us but the women had to get to a mall before withdrawal symptoms set in lol. We had a little bit of a late supper when we got back an all relaxing now.
p.s. Please excuse the state of Brenda's hair in the pics below, she did not have time to get it done before the shoot.

Morning start

The gangs all here

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