Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 228

Not a nice day here today - cold and snow flurries - brrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
After breakfast Ruby, Sharon & Mom went into Woodstock for some more shopping and they spent more than a dollar this time lol. While they were gone I caught up on my paper work and did my Wii workout. Noel, Damien & Payton here before supper and me and Noel went into Woodstock to pick up some gas line for the whipper snipper which I may buy from our neighbor if I can get it working ok - its in excellent shape. It hasn't been used for 3 years and the gas lines were brittle. I bought a gas lawnmower from him on Wednesday - great shape too. The women cooked up a great feed of rabbit, ribs, dumplings, carrots and potatoes - some good. After supper I went out and replaced the gas lines on the whipper snipper but still won't start - burns priming but won't stay going. May have to check carb. Noel and the grandkids left for home shortly before 7 pm - we are in relax mode now.

They loved their work kits - Thanks Marlene & Bruce for sending them up

Sawing on Gamma's table - I bet I wouldn't be allowed to do that

Helping pop fix the whipper snipper - they're a great help

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