Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 222

Beautiful warm sunny day here today - bring'em on.
Sunday is suppose to be our relax day of the week. After breakfast me and Noel went into James's (Noel's friend) to do some shooting. We took 5 guns with us (16, 12 & 10 gauge and two 22 magnums). We fired some shots from the 16 & 12 at some turkey cutouts Noel had made to check for pellet hits in the head area. Did not get a chance to try my 10 gauge as I forgot to take the key for the trigger lock. We are going to use the 16 & 12 for turkey hunting and the 10 & 12 for geese hunting. We also did some more sighting in on our 22 magnums. Noel's was pretty well on but I had to do quite a bit of adjusting on my scope to get it on. Both are good now though at 125 yards. One thing about up here you can go shooting every day of the year. When we got back to Noel's we cleaned our guns. Shortly after I got home Noel and the grand kids came for supper. We are taking it easy now.

Play time

After supper time

Play time again

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