Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 230

Cold this morning but sunny and warm up nicely during the day.
Out the door early this morning (even with 3 women lol) and took Sharon to the London Airport for her flight home - was great seeing and having her here for a visit. After we left the airport we headed of to a mall in London where Ruby and mom malled and malled and malled and malled some more and after that they malled again. I was bringing the parcels to the vehicle as they bought them. I hoped I got mom's energy when I get her age - she can certainly shop. Of course Ruby's not to bad either - she can hold her own lol. Mom had a great day shopping and got some nice items for herself. We got back home just before 5 pm. Noel dropped in to pick up his gas can and to say goodbye to mom as he is working tomorrow morning. After supper I went for a walk - not enough walking at the malls lol. A bit of relaxing now.

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