Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 231

Beautiful day here today - sunny and 20 degrees.
Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. After breakfast I went out and spent some more time working on the whipper snipper. Took off and cleaned up the carb but still not working - burns priming but won't stay going. Also broke the flexible shaft when it kicked back so I guess I will have to buy it now lol. Ruby picked up the grand kids at their Rainbow Times and they were here for lunch and to spend some time with their great grandmother before she left for home. Around 2 pm we dropped the grand kids at home and left for Kitchener to meet up with Dean and Brenda. We met them at a mall (where else) where the women did some more malling. We then went for supper at the Mandarin restaurant (great food there hey Helen & Earl) and I think they enjoyed their meal. We then said our goodbyes and they headed for the airport (hope they have a good flight) and we headed home. It was so good to have their company for the last few days. We got home about 1/2 hour ago.

Lunch time

Their Nan from Newfoundland

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