Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 241

What a great day here today - sunny and 25 degrees.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast and I went out to do some more work on the driveway and flower plots. Tammy dropped of Payton before lunch and me and Payton went into Woodstock to pick up something for Noel. After lunch I got back at the outside work and at 2:30 Ruby & Payton went into Noel's to pick up Damien from school - they are here for a sleepover. I worked at the driveway & flower plots until supper time and finished up after supper. It took awhile because lots of people were out because of the warm weather and they stopped in for a chat - that's alright though lol. I also installed a recessed handle on the hatch on the patio - with some help. Tammy here for a visit after she finished work at one place and then had to go to her other job. The grand kids are in bed now (Payton earlier and Damien just now). Relax time!

Our talker

Baby birds update

Working with some help from my buddies

Our driveway and flower plots

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 240

Beautiful warm sunny day here today - tee shirt weather.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wi after breakfast and I went out to do some more work on installing the driveway garden ties. Tammy dropped of Damien & Payton before lunch and we took them out for lunch at their favorite place - no need to name it lol. We then took them shopping with their monthly allowance - always lots of fun. They have their mind made up what they want before hand lol. We dropped them at home when we had finished shopping. After supper we made our reservations for May 24th weekend at a provincial park near where Dennis & Gail live so we can do some visiting with them and then I went for a walk. Relax time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 239

Sunny here today but still with a cold wind.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast and I went out to start putting garden ties along the driveway and around the flower bed at the end of the driveway. Finished one side of the driveway and the flower bed. We are gonna get some stone put in the driveway on Monday or Tuesday. Tammy dropped Payton here before lunch and she was out giving us a helping hand after lunch. Tammy picked her up around 3 pm and we called of the work for today. Noel, Damien & Payton dropped in after supper. Time to relax now.

Lunch Time

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 238

Sunny here today but wind cold. Nice and warm out of the wind.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby into Woodstock 1st thing this morning. After breakfast I went out to do some more decking. Ruby picked up the grandkids at their Rainbow Times at 11: 30 and they were here for lunch. Tammy picked them up after lunch. I finished decking the deck then me and Ruby packed the remaining lumber behind the trailer. Ruby then mowed the lawn and I did the trimming. After supper we went to Tavistock to watch Damien and Payton at their soccer practice. It was a very cold evening - sunny but cold wind. Relax time when we got back home.

Deck all decked

Old deck and new deck connected

Future soccer stars!!!!!