Thursday, June 1, 2017

Day 3815

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 20. Its 17 here now.
Up bright and early with Landon this morning and then got Damien & Payton up and out the door to be picked up by their mom. I then got ready and went to a golf course in Woodstock where I met a guy and we played 18 holes. Into the clubhouse after golf for a refreshment. Ruby spent the morning with Landon. When I got back home me, Ruby and Landon went to a couple RV dealerships in Stratford to have a look at some trailers. After we got back home I went with Sarah to take Landon to see a doctor - he has a fever. Got some meds for him. When we got back home I put Landon to bed while Ruby went down to the house to put Charlie to bed. Damien, Payton & Landon staying here with us tonight.

Ruby's birthday lunch yesterday.....

 Look at me.....

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