Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day 3820

A cloudy day here today with showers and 20. Its 14 here now.
Got Damien up and out the door this morning for his dad to take him & Payton to school. I then took our vehicle into the GM dealer so they can have another look at why the sound keeps cutting out - got a rental vehicle. When I got back home Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after. I went into Woodstock to pick up a new bathroom faucet for our trailer and installed it when I got back. Then me and Noel finished taking down the pool deck frame and then dismantled the pool. After that I went to our doctor's office in Thamesford to pick up our blood work forms for our annual checkup. After supper we watched Landon & Charlie while Sarah took Payton to her dance class, Noel took Damien to his soccer and then Sarah went to her ball game.

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