Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Day 3843

A mostly cloudy day here today with showers in the evening and 24. Its 14 here now.
Brought Charlie up with us this morning and then brought Landon up after he got up. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after. I spent the morning and part of the afternoon watching Landon & Charlie until Noel took them to their child care - Sarah normally drops them off on her way to work but Charlie was having her bap. When Ruby got home we went to our family doctor in Thamesford to get the results of our blood work etc. After we got back home we got ready, picked up Gerry & Yvonne in Woodstock and the four of us went to Kings Buffet in Brantford for supper. When we got back home Bob & Sue here with Landon & Charlie and I put Landon to bed while Ruby is staying down with them until Sarah gets home from work.

Having her nap......

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