Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 3845

A mix of sun and cloud here today with a few thunder showers in the morning and 27. Its 24 here now.
Went to a golf course in Woodstock this morning to play 18 holes with 3 other guys but only got 5 holes in before they thunder showers struck and had to quit. After I got back home I check the hot water knob on the bath tub faucet and found it was stripped so had to go into Woodstock to pick up new knobs and replace them. Ruby, Sarah and Charlie went into Drumbo for some shopping and bought a Swing & Slide set for the grand kids. When they got back home me, Sarah and Landon took Noel's truck and went to Drumbo to pick it up. Unloaded it into the garage when we got back and then started putting it together. After supper me and Noel did some more assembling. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Putting it together....

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