Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Day 3814

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 24. Its 17 here now.
Spent the morning working on getting the printer working and doing the forms that we send to the IRS in the US each year. We then got ready and went to a restaurant in Woodstock where we met Gerry & Yvonne for Ruby's birthday lunch. After lunch the four of us explored some of the shops in downtown Woodstock. We then returned the rental car we had and picked up our vehicle at the dealership - they had the sound amp replaced. After that we stopped to pick up a few things before heading home. The sound went again in our vehicle so I called the dealership to let them know. Then Landon & Charlie here - Landon not feeling well. I put Landon to bed up here and Ruby went down to the house to put Charlie to sleep. Damien & Payton here with us tonight also.

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