Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Day 3793

A mostly sunny day here today and 17. Its 13 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up for breakfast this morning and then out the door for their mom to pick them up. Then spent a couple hours with Charlie while Ruby caught up on some sleep. I then went into Woodstock to pick up some coaxial cable for the satellite TV. Sue picked up Charlie while I was gone and took her to the library. After I got back home I ran and buried the cable from the satellite dish at the house to a receiver in our trailer - we are both getting Shaw satellite TV now. Ruby ran into Woodstock to pick up a few things. I then installed a new dual auto transfer propane regulator on our trailer - there was only a regular regulator there before and the tanks had to be changed over manually. Ruby had supper ready for all and it was nice enough to eat outside. Damien & Payton staying here with us tonight.

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