Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 3802

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 18. Its 14 here now.
Went down to the house early this morning (0530) to watch Landon & Charlie while Noel & Sarah went to work. Then waited until 0745 and took them up to the trailer for breakfast. After breakfast I took Damien to his school in Hickson. Then Sue came and took Landon to the library. We then took Charlie to her day care and then onto London Hospital with Payton for her to have her ankle/foot checked at the orthopedic dept - its coming along and she has to go back in 3 weeks time for another checkup. We then took her out to McDs for lunch. After we left there we picked up Mary Browns for supper and headed back home. All here for supper. Damien and Payton are staying here with us tonight.

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