Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 449

Warm here this morning (14º) but cooled down considerably during the day and 1º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea on the way back. Ruby into Woodstock this morning for her meeting and some shopping. I stopped at Noel's on the way home from my bus run and picked up Payton and took her to our place. She wanted a fried egg sandwich but she didn't think pop could make it because in her words "pop can't make Kraft dinner" lol - I managed to do it though. Ruby got home after lunch and then I left for my afternoon bus run. Tammy picked up Payton on her way home from work. When I got back home we went into Tavistock as we had heard that a new doctor their was taking new patients - we checked with the health clinic there and they had not heard anything about t so we put our names on a waiting list for a family doctor. It was R & R time when we got back home.

Doing her Wii exercises

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