Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 427

Cool and sunny here today with a temp of 6º. Frost last night. It's 3º here now.
We were into Noels at 6 am this morning. Ruby stayed and waited for the grandkids to get up and then got them of to school. I went to Tavistock at 645 am where I bet the bus driver who showed me my new bus route. Longer route and more pickups on this route, high school students too. I then picked up Ruby at Noel's and when we got home I typed up the turns, stops, etc for the new route and then me and Ruby did a trial run in our vehicle. We then went to Noel's where to let the dogs out and then Ruby brought me to Tavistock for my afternoon route training. Ruby then went back to Noel's to wait for the grandkids to get out of school and Tammy to get home from work. After the bus run I dropped the other driver at his home and brought the bus back to the park as I will be using it for my new route. Newer bus too - 1997 to a 2006. After supper I set up some of my things in the bus to be ready for tomorrow morning. Tammy and Noel dropped the grandkids here for a sleepover after Payton got her hair cut at the hairdressers. I just finished up doing up the sheets for my new route. It's been a long and busy day - time for a glass of wine.

Payton's newer haircut

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