Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 302

Sunny with cloudy periods here today but wind was a little cool. 18º here now.
Some Wii 1st thing and then into Noel's to pick up grandkids and bring them to our place. After breakfast I went into Woodstock for a game of golf. After golf I checked out the conservation area in Woodstock where they are having the Canada Day celebrations tomorrow - we are hoping to attend. When I got home Noel was here to pick up the grandkids and take Damien to a birthday party.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 301

Sunny here today but the wind was a little cold. 15º here now.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. Noel dropped the grand kids off here at 10 am and I watched them until Ruby got home. After lunch I mowed and trimmed the lawn. Ruby brought the grand kids home before supper. After supper we went into Tavistock to watch their soccer.

Play time

Soccer evening

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 300

Very warm and muggy here again today. Mostly sunny with a few clouds and a few rain showers around supper time. Still 20º here now.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast I went down to the motor home to check and see if any earwigs in the wheel covers. Only found 3 so the spray and powder seems to be taking care of them. Will have to keep an eye on it though. After lunch I went into Woodstock to talk to Bell about my options concerning my cell phone. They called earlier and said that mind cannot be repaired. Not much of a phone - can't take being underwater - it was an expensive dip in the pool lol. They said I could buy a new or refurbished phone from them (very expensive) and use it on my contract or I could buy a Bell phone from someone else and activate in on my account. Before buying they told me to get the ESN (electronic serial number) for the phone, call them and they would let be know if anything is owed on the phone and weather it could be activated on my account. Found a BB Storm on Kijiji (lots there) and Bell okayed it. Currently waiting for some pics of the phone to be emailed to me and if they look good I will buy it.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 299

Very warm day here today with some thunder showers around supper time and raining here now but still 21º.
After breakfast did some material calculations for Noel's pool deck which he is planning on doing. Then went into Noel's to do some measurements etc. After I got back Ruby went into Woodstock. I got at cleaning up our old laptop which Ruby will be using for her Facebook etc. After all can't let her at my new one lol. After supper Ruby went to visit our neighbor who just got home from the hospital where she had surgery.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 298

A few showers this morning but a nice warm day with lots of sunny periods.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast we went to Sarnia to check on their Bayfest 2010 and to check on some camping there. We found a nice campground about 20 minutes from the festival site and we booked a site for July 15, 16 & 17. We also purchased 2 country passes for their festival to see Keith Urban + on July 16 and Allen Jackson + on July 17. If you want to check out the lineup on their site click here . Got back home just after supper time.

Shots from Sarnia - USA across water

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 297

Another warm sunny day here today but the humidity down a bit which is good.
Into Noel's at 6 am and after the grand kids got up & dressed I brought them to our place. They had their breakfast while I did some Wii workout and then went for a walk. After breakfast I went down to the motor home and installed the white wheel covers which I had removed a few day ago when I moved it to mow. I had cleaned them as they were full of earwigs. So this time I coated them with ant powder, sprayed around the wheels and coated the ground around the wheels with ant powder. For some reason all kind of lady bugs, earwigs, etc like under the wheel covers. Will check in a couple of days. After lunch we went for a swim in the park pool. When we got back I washed and waxed our vehicle. Noel picked the grand kids up on his way home from work. After supper we cleaned the inside of the vehicle. That's enough lol.

Looking good

Playing Wii

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 296

Another hot day here today. Sunny with a few cloudy periods. Feels a lot hotter than the temp due to the humidity.
Into Noel's at 6 am and after the grand kids got up brought them back to our place where we had breakfast. After breakfast I took Damien to school. When I got back did some Wii, with Payton's help lol, and then went for a walk. After lunch me, Ruby & Payton went into Woodstock for some shopping. When we left Woodstock we went to Noel's and then walked to Damien's school to get him. We then waited at Noel's until Tammy got home from work and then left for home where we BBQ'd and relaxed.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 295

Very warm and sunny day here today with a few showers in the afternoon.
Into Noel's at 6 am and after Damien & Payton got up and dressed I brought them to our place. They are both feeling good today. I did some Wii workout and then went for a walk. After breakfast I mowed and trimmed the lawn. After lunch Ruby and the grand kids went to the park pool for a dip and I went down and moved the motor home and mowed where it is parked. After I got back I went to the pool. Noel picked Damien & Payton up on his way home from work. It is a very warm evening here, still 26 degrees, so we are doing some relaxing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 294


Warm and muggy here today with rain until afternoon and then cleared up.
Into Noel's at 6 am. Damien up early - he was not feeling well and throwing up. After Payton got up I brought them to our place where Damien continued to throw up. He settled down after awhile and then Ruby & Payton went into Woodstock and me and Damien did some Wii. After lunch I went into Bell in Woodstock to see if I could bet my cell phone repaired - hasn't worked since I went in the pool with it on Friday. They are gonna send it out to be checked and I got a loaner from them for now. Payton had a bad belly and threw up while I was gone and Damien had a good nap - they must have some kind of bug. After I got home me and Payton went for a walk - me walking and she was in her buggy lol. Tammy picked them up just before supper and we relaxed after. I spent some time setting up my Fathers Day gift - a new laptop.

Looking through back window

Not feeling well

Getting back from our walk

Our sick boy

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 293

Hot sunny day again today.
Into Noel's at 6 am and brought Damien & Payton here after they got up. Did some Wii before breakfast with the grand kids. After breakfast we got ready and went to Mississauga to Tom & Wanda's to bring in some things Kim & Rick forgot to pack yesterday - we're not sure whose fault it is lol. The four of us, Kim, Rick & Wanda (Tom was working) went to a mall (where else) for lunch and to have a look. We got back home at 4:30 and just after Tammy picked up the grandkids. After supper I went into Hickson to watch Damien play baseball - Ruby stayed home to relax, she's tired from all the shopping I think lol.

Baseball evening

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 292

Great sunny 28 degree day again today.
After we checked out of our hotel we went for breakfast and then went and checked out a RV park by Marineland in case we went down there in our motor home. Beautiful park and can handle the big rigs. We then left for home and took the scenic route back home, avoiding the major highways. Its more relaxing and you see a whole lot more. We got back in Woodstock at 2 pm and wouldn't you know it the first stop for the women was Walmart lol. When we got home Kim & Rick packed the luggage (some of it anyway lol) and we then went to Noel's for a Fathers Day BBQ. After supper we took Kim & Rick to Walmart in Woodstock (where else lol) where Tom & Wanda picked them up. They are staying at Tom & Wanda's tonight and flying home tomorrow evening. It was great having them here with us for the week and we had a great time showing them around - come again!!!

Fathers Day BBQ at Noel's.

Saying goodbye