Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 89

Lots of frost this morning but warmed up a bit later.
Packed a load of wood in Noel's pickup and took it into Noel's for him to use in his fire pit next summer. Still a pickup load left there. Anyone want it - its free if you pick it up. Me & Noel in deer hunting after lunch but we got rained out and came out at 3 pm. Didn't see anything and nothing on the trail camera. Next week is gun hunting time again so we have to wait until thats over to hunt with our bows again. Noel, Damien and Payton here for supper. Ruby has nowhere to put all her Christmas things she insisted on bringing. We don't even have half the containers open and there's no room for anything else. We are going to let Noel and Tammy go through it and let them take what they want and I guess we will have a yard sell next year. We got to bring the new Christmas tree we purchased back as it's not working out. We tried to do something with it last night but couldn't get the tree to stay straight and the limbs are not strong enough to hold the decorations. Its a nice looking fiber optic tree and a good size for the trailer but we will have to look for another one.

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