Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 69

Guess what - another great day - sunny and 18 degrees. A great morning for our early morning walk.
Talked to the tree company, they will be here on Thursday after lunch to remove the trees - weather permitting. Talked to Nora at CBP&P concerning my pension - its like EI getting started - you have to wait a month and then you get 2 checks. Did some small jobs around the trailer and cleaned up the shed - still trying to figure out where to put it all. Keeps moving it around but still takes up the same space lol. Payton here at lunch time while Tammy worked. Into Woodstock after Payton left and picked out our trim for the sun room - base boards, crown molding, window facings, etc. Will be delivered tomorrow after lunch. The room will be finished when we get it all installed and then we will start on the porch. Paul called for a chat this evening.

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