Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 81

Another walk this morning - cloudy but 9 degrees and no wind.
Just as we got back from our walk Noel and Damien got here. Noel dropped Damien off as he had to work and Tammy and Payton were gone to a birthday party. Tammy and Payton here after the party. Cut up the trees and packed up the limbs. Noel's $20 chain saw works great. Got to carry the limbs away and split the big junks of wood. Into Noel's for supper where Tammy had a great job done on BBQ'd steaks. After supper we all went into Woodstock for their Christmas Parade. The parade started after dark (6 pm) and the floats were really lit up. Beautiful parade with a total of 74 floats and bands. The grandkids really enjoyed it and to see the look on their faces when Santa Claus came was priceless and makes it all worth it.

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