Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 87

No walk again this morning - cold @ 2 degrees with sloppy snow but none staying. Cold all day - I think winter is finally getting here.
Started looking for and sorting out Christmas decorations - still a ways to go yet. Over 30 turkeys in the field behind our place this morning. Me and Noel were into our hunting place to check my camera - had 18 pics but only got 2 pictures of a buck. Not sure what set of the camera for the other pics - nothing showing. Picked up Damien at school, picked up supper and Noel and Damien here with us for supper. Damien has a bit of a head cold. Tammy and Payton here after supper. Got Marlene's Christmas parcel today and Damien & Payton thanks Bruce, Marlene, Carla, Jeremy & Justin for the 'open now' Christmas gifts. They really liked them. Damien & Payton staying with us tonight for a sleep over.

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