Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 82

No walking today - we take a break from it on Sundays and sleep in - after all we are retired.
Me, Noel, Damien, James and Hunter (James son) went in to our hunting place to check my trail camera. Only 4 pictures on it and they were ones of a tractor fertilizing the corn field. Not exactly what we were looking for - to hard to eat lol - the deer are getting camera shy. We moved my camera in where Noel's tree stand is and James set his up in another spot. We will check them again on Friday morning. Also, put out some bait (corn & apples) for the deer. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. Me & Ruby into Woodstock to the cinema after supper and saw the movie New Moon. Ruby is happy now that she finally got to see it - took awhile because it was sold out each time we tried before.

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