Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 61

1st day of retirement not to bad. No sleeping in though - the grandkids were up at 0545. They seem to have forgot that the clocks went back last night. Even though they were up late last night because of Halloween they still wake up at they same time in the morning. We had a great day with them here with us all day. Ruby and Payton made some cookies for dessert tonight - Payton had a great time wearing her cookie suit (apron) she called it. I took them for a walk to the top of the ski hill where they had a ride on a golf cart. A man living here in the park was up there with some apples for the deer and he gave them a ride. There's lots of trails up there and all mowed too. They phoned Ruby from up there and told her we were lost lol. Noel picked them up at 1400 and took them home to see Tammy before she went to work and then Noel and the grandkids were back for supper. I guess we will have an early night tonight.
Hey Helen be sure to load the manual etc that came with your camera - there's a lot of info on the operation of the camera in there. Check out where to store the lens shade - no need to keep it in the camera bag.

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